The Science

Stimulate your hormone producing organs, mitochondria and neurotransmitters.
Provide relief to your metabolic and hormone pathways, by providing precursor hormones, amino acids and krebs-cycle intermediates.
When stimulation and relief are both given to your metabolic and hormone pathways, your body should now intelligently find its own metabolic and hormone balances, while also allowing it to produce the substances most needed (NAD, Melatonin, Serotonin, Dopamine, Glutathione, SAM-E, etc).
If your metabolic and hormone pathways are replenished, stimulated and healthy, then there should be a maximum amount of hormones that are now bio-available for your body to use, allowing for stronger sleep, metabolism, sexual function, focus, energy, joy, and development.
Our goal at MobiWellness is to help you get to your highest potential. Hormones that are bioavailable, along with efficient metabolic and hormone pathways, should give your body the finest longevity care that can be found, with simple at-home access and affordable pricing. The rest is up to you!
Hormone Pathway Partly Based On:
Steroidogenic Pathways Chart – by Genova Diagnostics, 2017.
Metabolic Pathway Partly Based On:
Metabolic Pathways Chart – by International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2003 – 22nd Edition Designed by Donald Nicholson (D Sc), The University of Leeds, England, and Sigma-Aldrich.
Footnotes on HCG:
HCG as a Growth Hormone Stimulator and Pituitary Stimulator:
Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin on growth velocity and biological growth parameters in adolescents with thalassaemia major, by Bozzola M, Argente J, Cisternino M, Moretta A, Valtorta A, Biscaldi I, Donnadieu M, Evain-Brion D, Severi F. Eur J Pediatr. 1989 Jan;148(4):300-3.
HCG as a Hypothalamus Stimulator:
It All Began With Dr. Simeons, Dr Mercola, April 13, 2011.
Can the HCG Diet Reset Your Hypothalamus and Metabolism, by By Dr. Zach LaBoube. Inside Out Wellness, June 9, 2015.
HCG as a Thyroid Stimulator:
The Role of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin as a Thyroid Stimulator in Normal Pregnancy, by Jerome M. Hershman, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 93, Issue 9, 1 September 2008.
The role of hCG in regulation of the thyroid gland in normal and abnormal pregnancy, by Kennedy RL, Darne J. Obstet Gynecol. 1991 Aug;78(2):298-307.
HCG/LH as an Adrenal Gland Stimulator:
(note: proposed that HCG mimics LH – luteinizing hormone):
The adrenal gland may be a target of LH action in postmenopausal women, by Alevizaki M, Saltiki K, Mantzou E, Anastasiou E, Huhtaniemi I. Eur J Endocrinol. 2006 Jun;154(6):875-81.
HGH as an Adrenal Stimulator:
(note: proposed that peptides should produce growth hormone):
The effect of growth hormone replacement therapy on adrenal androgen secretion in adult onset hypopituitarism, by Isidori AM, Kaltsas GA, Perry L, Burrin JM, Besser GM, Monson JP. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2003 May;58(5):601-11.
HGH as a Thyroid Stimulator:
(note: proposed that peptides also stimulate Thyroid):
Thyroid function during growth hormone therapy, by Jørgensen JO, Møller J, Skakkebaek NE, Weeke J, Christiansen JS. Horm Res. 1992;38 Suppl 1:63-7.
HGH as an Adrenal, Progesterone and Estrogen Stimulator:
(note: proposed that peptides can serve as this stimulator)
Growth hormone in the management of female infertility, by Navneet Magon, Swati Agrawal Sonia Malik and K. M. Babu. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Sep; 15(Suppl3): S246–S247.
Maintenance of Homeostasis in the Aging Hypothalamus: The Central and Peripheral Roles of Succinate, by Thomas T. Chen, Eugene I. Maevsky, and Mikhail L. Uchitel. Frontiers in Endocrinology, February 2, 2015.